Logan was babbling away the whole ride home and you wouldn't even know he had any pain - although it might have helped that we drugged him with Children's Tylenol before they yanked it. The best part though was when we layed him down for a nap at home. Logan was always a tummy sleeper until he had the g-tube put in, then he switched to his back or side because it hurt too much. Well I put him down and right away he rolled back over to his tummy, sucked his finger and went to sleep...he's been sleeping on his tummy ever since. The poor kid probably missed it over the last 5 months, and now maybe that explains why he still wasn't sleeping through the night either.
Since they removed the g-tube everything looks good with no infections. All you see now is a little scar that looks like a second belly button. Nothing has held Logan back - he is doing exceptionally well and is already up to 17lbs! Our growing boy just turned 10 months old on the long weekend, and we are enjoying everyday with him watching him learn & seeing him grow into his own little character. We have the dietician coming next week to weigh him as well as another appointment with Mac. This will give us a good idea of where Logan is at on the growth chart & what they want to do as far as keeping him on the formula or switching to milk/other options considering the puking is not as well as we'd hoped at this point. For some reason he keeps any solid food down, but never any liquid so we're hoping we can figure out what to do about this. Either way we are incredibly grateful that he continues to grow.
Here's a few shots from our trip back to Mac to remove the g-tube. Logan was super happy in the waiting room and we even remembered to take one last shot of his g-tube belly before it was gone.
Our Brave Boy!