Friday, 8 February 2013

Another Week Gone By

Last week Thursday I met with Dr. Issenman in the GI clinic at Mac. We waited 2 hours to see him and got all of 30 seconds of his time. He barely looked at Logan, didn't take any time to answer my questions & to be quite frank, was very ignorant. I spent more time with the dietitian then I did with the doctor, which seems absurd seeing as everything she told me was identical to what our in home care dietitian had been saying too. In the end I asked that we not have to come back every other week for no reason seeing as it is a waste of my time & $15 in parking. Dr. Issenman agreed that we can wait a couple of months & do another follow-up in April. In the meantime we will be working on changing things with our dietitian and taking Logan to the chiropractor (which is the only thing that seems to be doing something positive for him!).

Today was supposed to be Logan's weigh in day, however due to the weather our dietitian couldn't make it. He comes from Waterford every week and I told him it just wasn't worth risking the drive just for 15 minutes at our place. We will have to wait until Tuesday next week to find out where Logan is at on the growth chart. I am ok with waiting a few more days, its almost a relief to not have to keep checking the scale every week!

We feel fairly confident that Logan must be gaining though in the past week. The main reason being that he has been vomiting alot less and he is starting to take more volumes at his feed. He's only started taking an extra 10-20ml per feed, but for Logan this is a great step in the right direction. Baby steps....this is what we do each week, but someday he will catch up just like Malachi did :) We definitely have our challenging days just like any normal family, but the Lord continues to grant us much strength each day to take up our tasks that He has set before us in this season of our lives.

Next week Thursday we go back to Mac to meet with Dr. Bailey, as a follow-up for the g-tube. She just wants to take a look at it to make sure there is no infection & see how things are going with it. We look forward to meeting with her again, the woman has a heart of gold & has a passion for what she does. I will update the blog next week once we know for sure what Logan's weight is up to.

Until then enjoy the breath-taking beauty of God's creation in this snowy weather that we've received and we hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

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