Saturday, 30 March 2013

Slow & Steady

Well it seems even though I am only updating the blog every other week that I have positive, uplifting news to write each time! Things are looking up over here with Logan (yay!). He was weighed again on Thursday and he is now a whopping 13lbs 3.5oz. He did go down a little bit on his average of how much he is gaining per day but we aren't worried. This being because he had the flu, AGAIN, which he fought for a week and his little body continued to fight and he did gain some good weight gain. Our dietitian is very hopeful that Logan will continue to go up from here with no more set backs. It seems that between seeing the chiropractor, his little body maturing & the age that he is, he is starting to slowly outgrow the pyloric spasms. This was what we were hoping for so it looks like he's on the right track to getting over this sooner then later.

Brad would like to continue to use the g-tube for the next 2 weeks (until the next weigh in). After that we are going to try one week at a time of only bottle feeding Logan. He will still have the g-tube in but we won't use it and see if he still gains the same amount of weight using the bottle that he does using the g-tube. If that shows good results, we will continue this for the month of April & May. If everything continues to go well we are looking at possibly meeting with the doctors in June to talk about removing the g-tube! Now of coarse this is provided he continues to gain a good amount of weight each week, has no set backs and is stable. As great as it sounds I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high just yet. Unfortunately its becoming more of a pain that he has a g-tube because Logan is very active and no matter how good I pin it to his clothes he manages to play with it and yank on it when I'm not looking. Its only going to get harder to hide from him the older he gets. So the sooner its out the better I'll feel :)

That's all for now, I'll update you all again in 2 weeks time. Thank-you for the prayers & support that you continue to show to us.We feel so incredibly blessed to have so many of you walk this road with us and be a huge part of our lives. May you all have a Blessed Easter weekend with your families as we celebrate the death & resurrection of our faithful Saviour, Jesus Christ. Speaking of which, I thought I'd end this post with a video that a close friend of mine sent to me. "Please take a listen to this beautiful Easter song about the amazing gift God has given to us!"... its by one of my favorite's Keith & Kristyn Getty :)


  1. Thanks for the update, Jen! Such good news! Hope you are enjoying your beautiful long weekend!

  2. So wonderful to hear! Keep it up Logan!
