Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Decisions, Decisions...

Thanks to my sister for sending a quick update yesterday! I was indeed running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get some things finished before we get the phone call to be admitted again. We also decided yesterday to try going a different route and see if a chiropractor could do anything for Logan. After hearing alot of good reviews, we made an appointment at New Life Chiropractic with Dr. Matt Tonnos. We had a consult last night with Logan to see what they thought. Dr. Matt said that Logan's spine (from the neck to about half way down) is quite ridged, stiff & his muscles are very tense. Apparently a baby's spine should be like play-doh and he should be able to move it around no problem, but he wasn't able to do that with Logan. When Logan was born he was stuck for quite sometime so it could be due to that, or it could be from anything! Either way, he thinks that he could definitely help Logan. We agreed to start seeing Dr. Matt since at the time we thought it would be 2-3 weeks before actually getting in with Mac. We know that this doesn't mean he will necessarily cure Logan from whatever he has, but we do strongly feel this could help Logan in some ways. And so we have his first adjustment tonight :) We do really like Dr. Matt and we are considering all going for an appointment with him when this is all over. Thanks so all you ladies who suggested we give him a call too!
In the mean time this morning I paged Dr. Brille at Mac & had a chat with him via phone. I told him I was confused as to what the plan is now & I would like some answers, seeing as we're sick of getting yanked around on a chain. We discussed our options at this point. We can choose to just stay home and wait until our follow up appointment (since discharge) with Dr. Issenman next Tuesday at 1pm, or we can pack our things and come into the E.R. tomorrow & page Dr. Brille who will get us a bed & all settled in. If we wait until Tuesday to see Dr. Issenman then our chances of getting things moving, answers & help for Logan will be a longer process. If we come in through the E.R. tomorrow, Dr. Brille has agreed to get us a consult with the general surgery team on Friday. Our hopes are that they will agree to do the g-tube surgery, if we're lucky possibly even this weekend! If they agree to it they could possibly do it on Saturday or Sunday because they don't actually book surgeries for the weekend unless they are for in-patients or its an emergency. If we choose to wait until Tuesday to go to the clinic we could be waiting another week or a g-tube consult and then a week or 2 after that yet to actually have the surgery. I guess this is a no brainer...we are heading back tomorrow because we really need to get on this & get Logan to start gaining weight.
Ahhh its sudden, and I have alot of things going through my mind. I'm usually a calm, laid back, organized person but now I'm running around again packing bags, bathing children, finding babysitters, finishing last minute laundry (last time I left it, it was moldy when we got home!), and trying to re-gain some strength from this cold & lack of sleep that has kicked me in the butt! In the midst of all this I stopped, took & breather & prayed about it. We really want what is BEST FOR LOGAN, not what's most convenient for us, not what someone else thinks we should do, etc...and really...what is the right answer to that? It's hard as a parent to make these big decisions for these children that God has placed in our care. Whether it be a little decision or a big one, it is never easy to have to be the one to make that decision and hope it's a good one! I'll we can do it pray for wisdom from our Father in Heaven, and just do our best! I know that any parent reading this, truly understands how that feels.
We've decided at this point to go to Mac tomorrow morning. Dr. Brille suggested coming in the morning because the E.R. is never as busy as it is a night, so our chances of  getting a bed & not waiting as long will be better. We want to take the opportunity he is giving us this weekend to talk to general surgery & see what they can do for us. Please pray that the Lord will grant us wisdom to make the right decisions & that our experience will be better this time. I'm trying really hard not to get hopeful because that always results in a disappointment (at least that's the way it's been so far). Dr. Brille says that if we get the right person they might agree & do it this weekend, otherwise they may say they refuse to do it and discuss the reasons why. If they don't agree to do the surgery, we then have to try to figure out another way to help Logan get nutrients in him.
I know alot of people have asked about going back to breast milk or trying goat's milk (which is fattier) and at this point the doctors really doesn't see it making a difference since we've already tried breast milk at the beginning. He said that if they refuse to do the g-tube then we can discuss trying these options in hospital where he can be monitored. I'm not really sure why that is. Wouldn't it be just as easy to try it at home? Anyways thanks to many of you for your suggestions. Even if we don't always try them right away, please know that we appreciate that you care & are trying to help us out! We just need to try one change at a time right now. :)
Well I should keep moving over here, just wanted to take a moment to keep you updated with our next step. Thank-you for the continued prayers, such a blessing it is! And thank-you to a friend who sent me this text at just the right time today! Amazing how God uses us all even in ways like that to remind me when I needed it most.
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
Jeremiah 17:7-8

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