I know I didn't post much the last couple of days, but there wasn't really anything new & exciting to post. Today however we have some exciting news...We are going HOME!! {AGAIN!}. Do I dare say that we may actually get to stay home this time?? The doctors are quite pleased with how things went with Logan & the surgery. We have a follow up visit in 1 month, but for now we can go home. Usually we never make it to the follow up visit because we end up getting admitted before then, praying that this time might be different! Hopefully we won't have to be admitted again and we can just come back for Logan's regular appointments :)
Logan has been bottling orally for 2 days now. He still does spit-up but he is definitely not vomiting like before. If we see some weight gain over the next week & he is indeed vomiting less, then we'll have a fairly good answer that the botox injections did take affect & worked. Now to see how long they will last for! When he starts vomiting like before, that probably means he needs to come in for another round of botox (this usually happens 2-6 months after the first injection, so we have a bit of time!). The gtube was also a success, although I've learned that its a good thing I did not become a nurse! Just looking at it gives me the heeby-jibes (sp?), I can't look at a wound that is starting to heal like that - thankful my hubby has no problem turning the tube twice a day & cleaning up the site. It is a bit red, tender & in my opinion GROSS, but apparently that won't last forever. It will heal more & more each day and start to dry up. Logan's will probably take a bit longer to heal then most babies because no matter how good we pin it up he still manages to sneak it out & pull on it, playing with it. It will be good to be home & put him in sleepers so he can't even see it, the gowns he wears here don't help!
The GI fellow was in this morning to say that Logan looks healthy & is doing well, they are happy to send him home. Discharge papers are being written up & we've been given all we need for him to take home until we can get to the drugstore & pick up all our supplies. We are just waiting for Dr. Bailey from general surgery to come by after lunch to take one last peak at the gtube and then we're out of here! For now we will be starting Logan on oral feeds through the bottle at 9am every morning. Every 3 hours I give him 90ml of formula & because of the reflux we do still have to spend alot of time holding him upright - lucky Logan will never have lack of snuggles - thankful for my baby carrier!! We will continue his oral feeds until 6pm and then give him his 3 hour break and hook the gtube up for night feeds at 9pm. So from 9pm-6am he had the gtube running continuous at 30ml per hour at a slow drip rate. Logan will get to sleep through the night, keep his food in and hopefully GROW! I however will still have to get up every 3-4 hours to put more food in the bag and flush the line, but I don't even care at this point. Anything is better then waking up every 2 hours to feed him!! We will also still be giving his meds every 6 hours in a 24hr period every day.
So that's it for now! We hope to be home late this afternoon and pick up Malachi & Olivia tonight. It will good to be together as a family again & we pray that this is the end for Logan and us as far as long term hospital stays goes. We will have follow up visits with GI & appointments with Dr. Bailey from general surgery, dietitian home visits, seeing the pediatricians and continuing with chiropractor for Logan. We will have at least 1-2 appointments a week so don't be surprised if I call you up to have some fun with my older 2 while I bring Logan to all these appointments! Thanks for all of you who have already so graciously offered to help me out with babysitting!
I will continue to keep the blog updated. It won't be everyday as that would just get boring for you & I wouldn't have anytime to keep up once we're home! I plan to try and update the blog at least once a week or if anything changes along the way. So if you haven't seen a post for a few days take that as good news that nothing has gone wrong! :) Also, I know that many people want to come visit us at home. While I appreciate this immensely, please understand that I do need to try to get our lives back to somewhat normal & its important right now for my children to get into somewhat of a routine again. A short visit would be lovely, but maybe just give us a week or so to get a bit settled again at home. I usually start my day to the sound of a toddler belting out “Mommy! Mommy!” while impatiently rattling the bars of her crib. Before I can clear my sleep-bleary eyes, I’m tripping over toys, changing diapers, prepping food, laundering clothes, wiping chins and stacking dirty dishes. I’m lucky if I get a shower before 10 a.m., much less spend a quiet, meaningful time in prayer & devotions. This is an indication of how my days sort of go with 3 under 3. But I'm sure many of you moms can relate to this, so please don't take it personally if it takes me a bit to get back to your emails & phone calls. :)
Time to pack up our things. Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday & may the Name of the Lord be praised!!
{You are my God, and I will praise you; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. - Psalm 118-28-29}
So glad to hear Logan is doing well and that you are going home!! Hopefully for good! We pray that you will have to strength you will need in the weeks to come and that Logan will grow!!!!