Friday, 11 January 2013

The Old Pyloric Again...

It's been interesting since Adam and Jenn got to Mac yesterday. They just got into a room and Jenn asked that I try to explain some of the craziness for you all. I will do my best!
 Adam and Jenn were under the impression that if over the last few weeks of being home, Logan didn't progress, they would come to the hospital and get a g tube done. No questions asked. However there were questions asked...a lot of them!
 The Doctor who originally agreed to it was suddenly not on board. He said that perhaps if they stayed in the hospital a week and he monitored the bottle feeds then he would consider it. He wasn't ready to deem it serious enough yet. That was frustrating considering that there has been a stand still for almost a month in his weight. There is concern that if Logan doesn't start to gain it could effect his brain development but he said if Adam and Jenn were that worried they could appeal to the council of the hospital themselves without his recommendation. So today, they did just that! As parents they insisted that the g tube be done or at least something because the other option of being released from care and sent home to wait it out is not appealing.
 The council didn't push them off as we thought they might. Instead they agreed that it is serious and said that they are going to talk it over. In the meantime Logan was sent for a test...the one where he drinks a full bottle with dye in it to see how the stomach is doing...I can not for the life of me remember what it is called! He had done this before but with only 30ml. This time when they gave the whole bottle they saw that Logan's stomach held the content but didn't do anything with it! No contracting of the muscle's that should be going on. He was also sent for an ultra sound but he was so mad at this point that they had to re book it for tomorrow morning.
 This all leads back to what they originally had thought was the problem...pyloric stenosis! It's going to be a while more of testing to confirm and re check for other things. Jenn will update soon I'm sure. For now, this is what is going on!
 When I called her it was so noisy I could almost not hear her. If you want to pop in for a visit you can find them on 3C room 5, with 3 other children who are patients! Lot's of business in that section apparently!
 We'll be in touch!


  1. That test is a barium swallow ;) Crummy for them that they got the ward room! I will try to stop in and visit them today, Cheyenne is on 3B for chemo over the weekend.

    1. Thanks Sonya! I was just going to say barium swallow :) Yes, this room is a little bit crowded & noisy...hope we don't have to stay too long! We would LOVE a visit from you guys. I actually popped by 3B yesterday to see if Cheyenne was in too! :)
