We've been home for 3 days and things are busy! I am trying to work out schedules for Logan's appointment, line babysitters up and trying to get everyone dressed & fed before noon each day. Life is just going to be chaotic for awhile. Period. So I need to accept that and deal with it as best as we can. With joy! Due to all this business & little sleep, all I can say is... pass the coffee! :)
A little humour. Don't get me wrong, I love my Pinterest, but simply don't have much time for it anymore!
The dietitian came today to weigh Logan. He has gained about 100grams since last time he weighed him. This doesn't give us a great idea of accuracy though because Logan was weighed on this scale before we were admitted (so about 3 weeks ago). Brad (our dietitian) will come again next Wednesday and that will give us a better idea of Logan's weight. If he has indeed gained a bit, we can thank the gtube for that! We feel quite strongly that the botox injections didn't do a whole lot for Logan. He still vomits about 50% of each feed, which is no different from before. The only way we can keep food in him is if we run the gtube on continuous feeds. The most he'll do it a small mouthful of spit-up but other then that he keeps it all in. Because it runs at such a slow pace it allows time for the stomach to empty it as well. We are now very thankful that we made the choice to do the gtube at the same time as the botox surgery! We will have a follow-up visit in clinic with Dr. Issenman next week.
Logan has also been showing alot of interest in food when we eat dinner together. Tonight we tried baby food (pureed apples/strawberry) and he LOVED it. He took it no problem and we couldn't seem to keep up, he just kept wanting more. We decided to cut him off after taking just under half the jar. He did well for about 5 minutes and then, well it all came up. I called the dietitian and he said that this is really too bad that he can't keep rice cereal (remember him puking that up before too?) or the baby fruit down. Now we know that for now the only way to get Logan to gain is through the gtube. We do still give Logan the bottle orally 4 times a day and run him on the gtube for the remainder of the feeds. The reason for this is so that he doesn't loose his oral skills. This is definitely not something we want to happen. I am happy to have the gtube so that Logan has a way of keeping the food in. Just disappointed that the botox didn't work and he has to live a life with the gtube for awhile. He is NOT a happy camper. Our once happy go lucky child has become quite fussy. We're not sure if this is due to pain still from the healing hole in his stomach, from teething (which yes he IS doing - go figure!), or the fact that he is just used to being held that now that's all he wants. Or maybe its a combo of all 3? No matter what way you look at it, he is not the same child and its frustrating.
Finally we met up with our chiropractor on Monday night and agreed to go through with the 6 month plan for Logan. He will be seeing the chiropractor 3-4 times a week for the next 8 weeks, then 2 times a week for another 8 weeks and finally 1 time a week for 10 weeks. If the adjustments take well Logan could be corrected before 6 months, but this is the long term plan for now. We strongly believe that this may help Logan, and seeing as nothing else has helped, we're willing to try it! This will require alot of dedication & time especially on top of all his other appointments & weird feeding schedules, so the plan is to take it one day at a time and pray for perseverance & patience. Also not to be afraid to ask for help when we feel we need it. Thanks in advance to so many of you who have offered to help us out - it is greatly appreciated!
We have 3 chiropractor visits, a visit with the dietitian & one with the clinic at Mac next week. Once I have all the info on how things are looking for Logan I will update the blog once again! Thanks for following along & for continuing to keep us in your prayers! We still have a long road ahead of us, but we also know that the Lord will never give us more then we can handle. We need to stop & breathe, and just take each day one at a time, not worrying about tomorrow. This is easier said then done, I know. But we trust that the Lord knows our hearts, he knows our needs and he will give us all that we need both spiritually & physically. He already has for this long & we know He will not fail us now, or ever. We are abundantly blessed.
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or stow away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? ... Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own..."
Matthew 6:25-27, 34
Jenn, sad to hear that the botox doesn't seem to be working :( I know you know this already, but let me know if you ever want me to take your kids, I can even come pick them up if you want. Or me and Reanna and Jenna could come hang out at your house if you don't want to pack them up!!!! Loving the posts and Bible verses, they really are a comfort and reminder to dig into the word, especially during trials.