My phone rang around noon and it was a very emotional Jenn on the other end of the line. (This is Kathleen writing) Just after she wrote the last post, she was surprised when a nurse walked in and said they had time to squeeze Logan in for his scope right then! Yeah, some good news!
She said they headed down to get him all set up. She laid him on the bed and they put something into his IV to put him under. He was crying those big tears again and holding onto her finger as tight as he could. Just like that his grip slipped and his eyes closed and they wheeled him out for the scope. I am getting choked up just thinking about it! Poor Jenn said that it was very hard for her to watch. How do you wrap someone in a bear hug over the phone?! You just cry with them and hope that is enough.
She just called me back, a few hours later, to say that Logan did just fine! When they got to him in recovery he was fuming mad! Until Mom scooped him up of course. When Logan's upset you just hand him to his Mommy and watch in amazement as he stops fussing to give her the world's biggest baby smile! That little boy knows what he wants! He is apparently really groggy now and sleeping peacefully again.
Adam and Jenn haven't talked to the GI Dr. yet to hear the results, but the doctor who preformed the scope, told them that he didn't see any abnormalties. This scope means that they have checked the entire GI system in mr. Logan and have come up empty handed. They did take some biopsy's while he was under but they have to send them to Buffalo for testing, (apparently they have a better system for that there) and they won't get the results for up to two weeks from now.
Once they know what they will be doing from here, Jenn will update you all again. Thank you for your prayers today as we all waited for this scope to finally get done!
Just as Moses said this to Joshua, we know that it is also true for us,
"The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged!" Deuteronomy 31:8
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