So my apolpogies for not blogging yesterday, there simply was no time! I left the hospital yesterday at 9:30am and my day went like this: laundry, re-pack bags, stop to notice that someone SO WONDERFUL cleaned my house from top to bottom!!, buy a wedding gift, give our dog Toby some love, finish a dress fitting, play tea-party & trains with our other 2 monkey's, enjoy a delicious home cooked meal at my in-laws, take the kids to the rehearsal, after-party with the fam jam, take them home to put p.j.'s on & tuck them into bed, head home (oops, I mean to back to the hospital) and in bed by 11:30pm. Needless to say it was a busy day with no blogging, and I think I only remembered stopping to go the the bathroom twice! LOL.
Meanwhile my incredible husband Adam had a day in the life of moi at the hospital with mr. Logan. At noon I called Adam to see if anything exciting was happening. Nope, he says...Logan's been sleeping & watching t.v. all morning (surprise, surprise). Our GI doctor came to see Adam in the morning to say that scope confirmed that nothing was seen to be wrong in the upper & lower GI, and the partial blockage they thought they seen on the barium x-ray was just a shadow. Sigh. Nothing. Still no answers. However they wanted to run more blood work yesterday to check a few other things - Adam says he wasn't really sure what for and at that point he just said go ahead! That all came back normal as well. We are thankful that Dr. Zachos is speedy on trying more things everyday, its just a huge disappointment to keep looking and coming back with no answers. They wanted to then perform an x-ray on Logan's chest (the heart, spleen, liver, and kidneys) to see if anything was abnormally small or large. Just before Logan had to go for his x-ray he decided to throw a wrench in everything and pull is feeding tube out! He was off of his feed again from 2pm until 6pm since he pulled the tube out, was waiting for his x-ray on the chest & then also needed an x-ray to make sure the new ng tube was in the right place. By 6:30pm and he was all hooked up again and Adam thought they had enough excitment for one day. Guess again! At 8:30pm last night Logan decided he was going to show them who's boss. He probably hates his feeding tube in the worst way, and so he pulled it out again...make that 12 times pulling it out!! New ng tube gets put in much to his dismay and back down they go to get another x-ray to check the placement - Logan grinning from ear to ear all the way down, free from his tubes. Logan was finally hooked up and feeding again by 10pm. Adam got Logan all settled & tucked in all nicely in the crib and headed back to the Ronald McDonald house for the night. I was told later on at night that he gives me alot of credit, he doesn't understand how I can sit at the hospital day in and day out like that. Thanks for the credit hun, but it isn't a just DO IT because you have to! :)
This morning I arrived at the hospital to a sleeping, beautiful baby. He was grinning in his sleep while I watched him, so I like to think he was having good dreams. Maybe good dreams of going home for Christmas?? Our doctors informed us that they do not really have any clues as to where to go next, but they assured us they will keep looking! In the meantime they told us that we better get it into our heads that we will most likely be here over Christmas. They are not planning on sending us home until they diagnos Logan, or they seen a sufficient weight gain, which could take awhile. The term "I'll be home for Christmas..." just took on a whole new meaning to me. As my brother in law Tim reminded me this morning - Christmas is still 3 weeks away, and hey if you do end up here it isn't ideal, but in hind sight what is one Christmas here at the hospital compared to the rest of Logan's life. Our kids won't remember and it sure will be a different way to spend the holidays, but we will make it work. According to my mom & sisters, "We'll just bring Christmas to you!" Maybe, by some miracle they will find something sooner and we can go home, but if not we will not let it get us down, we will make the most of it. They did however talk to us about POSSIBLY getting Logan a day pass for Hannah & Mike's wedding tomorrow. If everything goes well today, then the doctors don't see why not, they'll let us know tonight what they think. That would be amazing!! For all those taking shifts with Logan tomorrow, we will let you know ASAP if he will be able to come with us for the day, but we thank-you in advance for your willingness to help us out.
I guess I should explain what I mean by if everything going well today. Dr. Zachos has ordered an MRI to be done on Logan's brain today. We're not sure what time - they are scheduling something as we speak. She believes that we need to start looking in that area since the gastral area had no signs of anything wrong. We also need to discuss Logan's feeds. They have increased his feed by 3ml per hour. Adam & I thought that's not much at all and we should do more, unfortunately though Logan started vommitting again through the night, they just aren't sure if its because they've increased the feeds or if it is because he had a new ng tube down his throat twice yesterday causing him to gag. We will know more today while we monitor his feeds. They are hoping if we increase the feeds and add more calories it will slowly help Logan to put on more week. Time will tell I guess. They also want to try to get him off of the continuous feeds and back to bolus feeds. As long as Logan is on a continuous feed he can not have a g-tube put in through the stomach, but if we can get him back to bolus feeds every three hours he is then a candidate to get a g-tube put in. It is too dangerous to have an infant on continuous feeds with a g-tube, so as of right now unfortunately the ng tube is better for him until we get him eating every 3 hours again. I also met with a doctor from Endocrineology this morning who evaluated Logan and assured me that although Logan is having a hard time gaining weight he is a healthy child. He is reaching milestones, following with his eyes, smiling, cooing, has great head control, etc...his lungs are clear, heart is good, there is no reason to say this child is not healthy. Then he told me he just has a severe case of reflux. I gave him a smile and said, your right he does have reflux, but I'm sorry to have to correct you...this is not just reflux. Logan's reflux is under control with medication and he doesn't vomit up his entire feeds anymore, so why then is he not gaining weight? The doctor said honestly that he doesn't know and it doesn't make sense because if indeed the reflux is under control, with time he should have been gaining by now. Exactly! So yes he has reflux, but there has to be something more to it.
This is as far as the story goes right now. It is 11:30am and I will be waiting today to have the MRI done, and of coarse I will enjoy a couple of visits with some family & friends this afternoon. Also keeping my fingers crossed that Logan can possibly have a day pass tomorrow and spend time with his family! I'll let you all know if anything changes. Perhaps this MRI will tell us more...
In the meantime here's a laugh for you. The picture Adam sent to my phone entitled:
"Look mom, no tubes!". You just gotta love him!
There is no way you can see this post and not smile! Thanks Logan, for making my day :)