Saturday, 24 November 2012

Saturday Morning

 Today Adam is heading up to Smithville to take our kids to the Santa Claus Parade, while I stay with Logan here at the hospital - sad that I'm missing out this year. I guess its not so bad though, my close friend & neighbor Katie is on her way with tea to keep me company, so I look forward to a visit from her. Maybe, just maybe, Adam will remember to take some pictures of the kids reactions for me?

Logan had a tiring day yesterday. Between checking vitals, ultra sounds, x-rays, blood work (twice!) and trying to get him to sleep on his back, he didn't have much time to snooze. This weekend will be quiet, then hopefully on Monday we'll get all the results back. I've got a journal going that I document everything in. Thoughts, my research, symptoms, our list of trial & errors, everything from the beginning to now with dates when things have changed, etc, and just about anything else you can think of. My hopes are that if we get to a point that the doctors don't know what to say or where to go next, that maybe I can express my thoughts & idea's on it. Of coarse I realize that I'm no doctor, but sometimes even doctors miss things, so for now I keep reading over my notes & keep researching. I'm trying to advocate for Logan and get to the bottom of this. Not only this but I continue to pray that the Lord may grant the doctors wisdom & insight to figure out what is causing our sweet boy not to grow. If you have any thoughts or idea's, things to look into, etc, let me know! I'll add them to my journal. :)

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! - Jenn & Adam
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10
After fighting off  sleep for so long,
Logan finally gave up & managed to fall asleep.

Just had to post a picture of this special gift
Logan received yesterday from "aunt" Nicole.
A fighter jet airplane, for our little fighter!
Cute, right? We love it!! :)


  1. Hey Lindes,

    Thanks so much for keeping us posted on what's happening these days. I wish I had tons of time to write ya( but with kids... I think you know where I'm going ;) ) So have yourselves a nice evening/day together at the RMDH and spend some quality of time with each other!


    ps. I have a really adorable hat for little Logan from Amanda Y. Perhaps if I can get out next week, I can get to the hospital, drop it off and socialize! :) Hugs and Love LK

  2. Keeping you and your family in our prayers! We have a son who spent a great deal of time at Sick Kids hospital when he was first born, and we also had 3 other children to raise at the same we understand those challenges and how difficult it is on your heart strings when you have to live as a split family! If you post your email address on this site, I would love to email you and keep in touch with you if you'd like :) Many, many prayers for Logan, his family, and the medical team! Take care, and God bless. Melissa Kottelenberg

  3. Thanks Leanne! You can definitely stop by next week, I would love it! I also can't wait to see the adorable hate from Amanda :)

    Melissa Kottelenberg, thanks so much for posting too! I'm so sorry that you've been down this road too, definitely not nice. Its always nice to be able to talk to other families that know what we are going through. If you'd ever like to send me an email our address is I'd love to hear from you. And thank-you for the many prayers :)

    - Jennifer Linde

  4. Good job, Jenn - all the research! THAT is amazing - and knowledge is power!

  5. Keeping a journal is a great idea! Most often mothers know best how their child is feeling.
    We continue to pray for you! Hope you get some answers soon.

  6. I hope this coming week brings more answers for you :)
