Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge."
- Psalm 62:8
Adam didn't get to the hospital till 9:30pm last night. He was dying to go to his mom's after work to see the kids, and I totally get that feeling!! So I told him to go, I would be fine. When in reality I was not fine. I was an emotional wreck and needed to get out of here. Needless to say when Adam got here we didn't have much time to chat. I needed a shower & my bed. I went to bed at 11:30pm last night, and rolled out of bed at 5am this morning. I needed to get ready and go to the hospital for Logan's 6am feed. I also needed to relieve Adam who needed to go to work. Alot of needs here! ;) He stayed in the hospital to do Logan's feeds every 2 hours last night because the nurses don't have time to feed Logan his bottles, and I clearly would not have lasted after the day I had. I went to go get a few hours of sleep at the RMDH. Tonight I will take a turn at the hospital and we will try to alternate, helping eachother out wherever we can as much as possible. We are both tired. Adam has to go to work every day which is physically exhausting, and I have to sit here taking care of Logan and dealing with doctors which is emotionally & mentally exhausting. We're in this together though and we are trying to do what we can for eachother. I am SO thankful for my husband and I'm not sure how I would go through this without him at my side, holding my hand and showing his love for me & our children in so many ways. He's starting to truly understand a mother's love for her babies, the emotions of woman and how to deal with it. Thank-you for putting up with my emotions, my stubborn side, my freak out moments of frustrations, my urge to fight for Logan even when sometimes you don't always agree with me on how to handle certain situations. Thank-you for reminding me to get down on my knees and pray, for reminding me to take a moment to breath every now & then, for forcing me to go for a walk in the real world to get a treat from Starbucks, for loving me unconditionally, for telling me that I don't always have to be brave & its ok to cry, and for facing through this trial in our lives together. I love you more then words can ever describe.
Thanks to my sister Kathleen on giving you all a brief run down on yesterday and where we're at with Logan. I think she could tell after talking to me on the phone that I just wasn't up for blogging so she reminded me, "If you ever need me to blog for you...." ok that didn't take much persuasion. PLEASE if you could, update it for me just for tonight! I just wasn't up for writing. It was 8pm, I had to give Logan his next feed and I still hadn't gotten dinner for myself yet. It was one of those days that I was just done. Kaput. Exhausted. Finished. I couldn't at the time even explain to you how I was feeling. Frustrated, tired, confused, angry....just to name a few. I originally was not impressed that I had to wait till 5:30pm to finally see a doctor last night! Logan pulled his tube out at 9am, and no one decided to see me until dinner time, that made me frustrated. Dr. Brille explained that he waited until after 5pm so he could take the time to sit with me and actually explain things & answer my questions. I told him that was very kind of him, but if one of the FOUR residents that came in to see me had just said that rather then keep saying, oh he'll be here soon, I would not have been so frustrated. The resident in turn told me they had no idea that was Dr. Brille's reasoning for waiting so long in the day to talk to me. Learn to communicate people!!
Dr. Brille does not want to rush to put a g-tube in if Logan will only need it for a month or so, but obviously the ng tube is becoming a risk as well since he pulls it out so much he has the risk of aspirating. He wants to try Logan on the bottle feeds to see how he does. If he can't handle the bottle feeding then we will re discuss where to go in terms of ng tube or g-tube. He wants us to give him one week and as of next Monday, if it's not going well then we will try one other formula its the same kind as Nutrimigen AA, does the same thing for Logan, is just a different name brand called Neocate. At that point we'll try that for a week and see how he does. I asked him, "You really expect me to just sit here bottle feeding him for another 1-2 weeks just to see how he takes the formula?" That's ridiculous as I can be doing that from home. I told him I no longer want to be sitting here unnecessarily, and to stop making us wait a WHOLE WEEK everytime they want to try something. I mean honestly, does it really take a week to see if he's going to vomit up the bottle or not?? Within 4 days max we should be able to tell. He agreed. But ya know, this is just hospital protocol. I'm sick of hospital protocol...if its not going to harm Logan, stop wasting my time and get on with it. And I mean that in the nicest, non rude way possible. :) I usually try to hold it together, but I lost it, I couldn't keep my emotions in any longer. Dr. Brille told me that he understands because he too has a 3 year old & a 1 year old at home. He understands? I looked at him and asked through my tears, "Have you ever been stuck a a hospital for 6-7 weeks with a sick baby not getting any answers, going in circles with different doctors, sleeping on hospital cots causing you lack of sleep, spending day in the er, eating like crap, feeling so out of the loop & isolated from family & friends and going completely insane stuck in this 4 corner hospital room, while being separated from your other child?"..."well no I haven't" was his reply. Right, ok so then you really don't know how I feel. Your right he said! He could tell that by the tears and the look on my face that I was frustrated. He also said that he is the last doctor on rotation of 4 right now, and the fact that we've seen all of them means I've been here too long. THANK-YOU for noticing :) The thing I do like about Dr. Brille is he is frank and upright with you. No beating around the bush. Not non-sense, just straight up honest. I told him that I really appreciate that, and I appreciate the fact that he's given me the time of day to talk and figure out a plan. He told me that people either love him or they don't, there is no inbetween and I may like him today and hate him tomorrow. That's ok, I can deal with that as long as he's straight up honest with me, deal he says, as long as you realize you may not like my methods or ways of thinking. We both agreed that you can't please everyone in this world, and you win some, you lose some. We can agree to disagree. Man I like this guy already! :)
Sooo game plan. We agreed to give him the bottle (70ml every 2 hours) which over a 24 hr period works out to just a little bit short of what he was given total on the ng tube feeding. Last night our nurse agreed with us that what's the harm in just trying 90ml every 3 hours like he was on from the beginning. The worst that would happen is he could vomit and we would drop him down again. We don't know unless we try, and that was one thing that I couldn't understand when I spoke with the doctor. I know they don't want to push him, but these baby steps are not getting him anywhere and when they say we'll try something for a week it always end up being longer. Example...they told us Sunday night they would switch him over to small bolus feeds instead of continuous and by Monday afternoon the nurse still didn't have an order for that. (I swear sometimes the doctor's tell you something just to humour you & keep you happy for awhile.) Anyways, the nurses are all on the same page as us, we need to get the ball rolling and get Logan home. So as of midnight last night we started feeding him 90ml every 3 hours. Technically for his weight & age he needs to be getting 120ml every 3-4 hours. We believe that would be pushing him too far to jump to that yet, so we'll start with this and work his way up over the next few weeks, provided he can continue to take the bottle. I say this because Dr. Brille explained to me the big question that many of you have, "If he can take the formula by the ng tube and not throw up, and it is indeed just a matter of changing the formula, then why can't he keep it down by bottle?" GREAT QUESTION! I would have answered a long time ago, but it took till meeting with Dr. Brille to finally get a proper answer. The problem is that Logan has been on a feeding tube long enough that he's become lazy. He loves to drink the bottle, but he may not continue to have the energy to keep up. He has to retrain is mouth, throat, stomach, digestive system, etc (as Kathleen said in the last post). This could take a bit to do so we can't rush the volume right now too much. Dr. Brille says we'll see how he does by Friday. He could do great yesterday, great today and then all of a sudden get too tired, lose energy and fail on bottle feeds tomorrow, causing him to vomit it all up and be back at square one. Dr. Brille, like every new doctor we get, is asking us to give them ONE week, if after one week their idea goes down the drain and things aren't going as well as planned, then we will try things a different way. We told him we should be able to tell by Thurs-Fri how Logan's doing on the bottle, so if that's the case would he be willing to discharge us this weekend? He said he makes no promises, but we'll definitely see how things go. I am willing to stay over the weekend until Monday, but after that if Logan is handling bottle feeds well & its just a matter of playing around with the volume, and he is continuing to go up in weight then I do want to be discharged and work on this at home with the help of CCAC. Dr. Brille agreed that this sounds like a good plan and we will try our best to stick with it. He also told his junior resident (who was taking notes) that quote, "This mom has been here long enough, she needs to go home and be with her family again, let's get him doing better so they can go home." I'm so glad to hear that we are on the same least for today anyways!
So far Logan drinks half his bottle, I burp him, he spits up a little bit, he takes the rest of the bottle, sometimes spits a bit more, other times not. All in all he is not vomiting up massive amounts of formula. The true test will be tonight when we weigh him. As long as he is continuing to go up in weight everyday, then it looks like we are on the right track anyways. We did walk about the g-tube as well. Obviously both I am the doctor agree that we don't want to send Logan for surgery if it isn't necessary. So we try bottling first and if by Monday its not going well then we will re discuss the option of sending him for general surgery next weekend to get the g-tube. If it comes to that, I'll believe it when I see it that he'll actually go in the same week for surgery as discussing it, it doesn't normally seem to happen that quickly when they want to do anything around here. But let's not jump ahead, lets just take it one day at a time and hope that bottle feeding starts to go better. It would be much better for both Logan and us to take him home on a bottle and not the g-tube. Only downfall is if he starts picking up on bottle feeds and does great we will no longer need CCAC's help, and once they are gone we are no longer covered for the medication & formula, it will only cost us roughly $1300 a month until he starts needing more formula each day, but hey that's no big deal! How do they expect families to pay for that? Anyways that's a whole different story which we definitely are not going to worry about right now. Things always seem to work out in the end, and honestly I'd still rather him be on a bottle right away then have him on a g-tube for the next few months. Don't worry, I know what you're all thinking so I'll say it for you, haha. Breathe Jenn. Take it one day at a time and don't worry about tomorrow. And you're all right :)
Sorry this post is SO long. I had so much to say and I wanted to cover everything since alot of people have been asking exactly where we're at, what's going on, and I'm trying to answer questions for all of you. At least this is thorough and hopefully gives you a better understanding. It will be a slow process as always, so in the next few days I may update you but there probably won't be much to say.
I ask of you that you continue to pray for continued strength for me. The days are getting longer and harder to face, but as my sister in law Lisa reminded me last night...there is no sense in worrying, because it will never change the outcome. The Lord has brought us this far, and he will not leave us now. COMFORT. FAITHFULNESS. MERCY. COMPASSION. The Lord shows me all these things, and I will never understand how anyone would get through these situations in life without the hope we have in Jesus Christ. Please pray that our little stinker will start to tolerate the bottle better, that our other kids will now remain healthy and not have any more flu bugs/colds, etc, pray for travelling mercies and strength for Adam each day as he spends much time on the road back and forth, and pray for trust. That we continue to TRUST that God has a plan for our lives (as well as Logan's) and soon enough when he decides it is time, this will hopefully be over and we will be able to go home.
Home Sweet Home...oh how those words sound so lovely & inviting! :)
"Those who know Your name will trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You." - Psalms 9:10