Logan was weighed yesterday and thankfully has gone up again! He is now at 11pds, 6oz. It is not as much weight gain as they were hoping for, but they are just happy to see him going up and not down again. On average they would like him to gain 40-50 grams per day, but I pointed out that realistically because he is behind and has to catch up he may only gain 25-30 grams. He is not actually taking in as much as a normal 4 month old baby would be eating. Hopefully over the next few weeks we can get him up to where he needs to be. As long as Logan continues to slowly gain and doesn't drop again, the doctors will be happy.
Our dietitian is awesome! He said he would be willing to come again on Friday to see what the weight is then instead of waiting till next week (he usually only comes once a week). He said this will give us all peace of mind to see that Logan is slowly going up. I also had to remind myself that although we'll never know for sure if Malachi had this, the doctors like to believe he did have a milder form of a protein intolerance. If any of you can remember, Malachi was so long, spidery and yes scrawny for the first year of life and by the time he turned 1 he chunked right up. He also went up in weight, just very slowly and he did vomit more of his food because we never thought it was an issue as long as he was still gaining. The difference as to why we took Logan to the hospital was because he actually dropped under his birth weight at almost 3 months old.
We also go to see the pediatrician on Thursday. He will take a look at Logan and see how he's doing on the growth chart and do a follow up since being discharged from Mac. Thankfully next week we are getting a whole week off from appointments. We are just having the dietician come to our place one day so that we can still monitor Logan's weight. Otherwise we will just be enjoying our week of Christmas holidays as a family & free from all of this for a bit. :)
Here's to hoping Logan keeps going up everyday!!
Praying things will continue to get better! Enjoy the holidays at home together - Praise God for carrying you all through this journey of life!