Friday, 14 December 2012


I will give thanks to the LORD according to His righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High ... Psalm 7:17

HE DID IT!!! Logan, our brave, adorable, happy, vibrant baby boy proved the doctors wrong and jumped the highest in weight that he's been since day 1. All we kept hoping for was that Logan would hold of off taking a big poop right before weighing him, as that could definitely change the outcome of weight. Thankfully he decided to hang onto it until this morning! lol. He is officially 11pds, 2 oz. Our nurse Sylva was ready with a drum roll, we put Logan on the scale and for about 5 seconds we all stood there with our mouths wide open looking at eachother...can this be right? Did he really just go up to 5 kilos (which is 11pds, 2oz). I cried, I hugged the nurse, I jumped up & down...we are GOING HOME! Sylva was extremely happy for us and wanted us to have a good nights rest before our big day so she offered to do his night feeds for us so we could both go back to the RMDH. She is just so wonderful and I'm so thankful to have ended our last night here with her.

We have so many different feelings about going home. Excited, nervous, exhausted, feeling blessed, a bit anxious, joyful & hoping that things continue to go up from here. We are so thankful for the great support that we have from our family, friends and church family, which makes going home with Logan's issues & the business of 3 under 3, not so overwhelming. We are grateful for the friends that have visited us & chatted with us about being down this road before and how they managed once they were home. They've given me hope that although life will be busy and alot of things will be put on hold, we will get through it and it will only be for a short time. Adam & I have never been more excited to be going home. Logan has spent most of the first 3 months of life at the doctors office & in the hospital, and we are ready to give him a somewhat normal life at home! We are also excited to have Malachi & Olivia back in our lives permanently! We can't wait to take them home and enjoy the small things in life again. {“Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things.”} I know that I will probably still continue to sound like a crazy person with all my emotions of laughter, crying and exhaustion, but it feels great to get it out and know that each day is a fresh new start and we will try to make the most of each day that the Lord has given us together.

I am so so proud of Logan for fighting so hard and being so cheerful through all of this. I am so thankful for the friendships we've made with most of the nurses here, they all told us that they are so happy for us, but sad that we are leaving them. I am thankful for the power of prayer, thank-you to ALL of you for praying so hard for us through this. We ask for your continued prayers for the days, weeks and months that lie ahead as well. We want to thank each and every one of you that have followed Logan's story and have offered to help in the past and in the weeks to come. We have had help with meals, parking passes, food & gas gift cards, help with our kids, visits, emails, phone chats, prayers, yummy baked goods, care packages, house cleaning, gifts for Logan and so much more that I can't seem to think of at that moment. We would love to thank-you all individually, however things are so overwhelming at the moment and may be for sometime, that I would like to let you all know here first. Please know that every little gesture you've done has helped us along the way and we are so incredibly grateful for the people that God has placed in our lives. You have carried our burdens with us, shared in our joys & sorrows and God has blessed us so richly! We hope someday to be able to "pay it forward" so to speak to someone, anyone, that will also need help in their situation someday.

We'll update you in the next day or two on how things are going at home and of coarse long term for what's to come as far as what allergy's he may have as he begins solids, etc.

We're outta here!! Have a blessed weekend everyone & we'll touch base soon.

Much love, Adam & Jenn. (Malachi, Olivia & Logan)

I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul will make its boast in the LORD; the humble will hear it and rejoice. O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together ... Psalm 34:1-3


  1. Wow, what great news! We have been following the blog since you started down this road with Logan and it is great to hear that he is now able to go home after being in the hospital for so long. God has certainly heard all the prayers & it is wonderful news that you will be home altogether as a family for Christmas. May God continue to be your strength in the coming days and weeks & we continue to pray that Logan may gain weight and not have to go back.
    Paul & Krystle den Hollander

  2. Yay!! We had Sylva as well and loved her. So happy to hear that you are going home, prayers have definitely been answered!! Let me know when I can steal your kids for a day if you need to catch up on stuff (including sleep) once you've had a chance to cuddle them and love having them home :)

  3. So happy for you! You are home! YAY! I hope and pray that you have an amazing time, reuniting as a family! I hope that Logan had a great night at home and that you aren't too exhausted. Big hugs to your family from ours!
