Wednesday, 5 December 2012

All In A Day

Today we were not last, no, today we were FIRST! Yay!! At 8:30am we were taken down to the surgical ward to have Logan's MRI done. We met with the anaesthesiologist, who explained to us that Logan should do fine since he handled the sedation last week for the scope, however this time he would be sedated for alot longer so recovery could be a bit different. I snuggled with Logan close to me for a half hour while we spoke with the Child Life Specialist and she tried to answer all our questions as best as possible. Once it was time they took my baby from me and said that this time I'd have to wait in the waiting room rather then with him until he was no longer conscious. It was probably better that I didn't have to watch this time. I got a lump in my throat and had tears stinging my eyes, but I decided it was time to be brave. He was in good hands! So out we walked into the waiting room and waited for what we thought would be the longest hour of our life. The hour actually went by much faster then we had expected because my sister Kathleen decided to come and stay with us this time. She packed up her kids early this morning, brought them to a babysitter & showed up at the hospital by 9am with coffee & tea's in hand! Auntie Kathleen is the best! Her love for our kids is unconditional, for she loves them like they are her own! Malachi, Olivia & Logan have a special bond with auntie Kathleen, after all she was the first person to greet them when they entered this world! :) She has devoted so much time to visiting us and helping us out in any way possible. Most days I wonder how I'd get through times in life like this without her. She is my rock, someone to laugh with, someone to cry with, someone who listens and also has many words of wisdom for me. Someone who can relate to how I'm feeling most days! We share a special sister bond that I am so very thankful for! We know how much mom Linde & mom Wassenaar would love to visit lots too, but we understand how hard it is when they are already watching our kiddo's! So thank-you Kathleen for taking their place, devoting so much time for coming to see us and calling to check in on us. We love you so much!!

So we sat in the waiting room chatting about life, about how incredibly fun Hannah & Mike's wedding was, and everything else you can think of. Before we knew it the nurse called us into the recovery room! She said that Logan did great. Of coarse as he layed there getting anaesthetic pumped through the iv he looked up at all the nurses smiling & cooing, they couldn't stop laughing at how much of a flirt he was being, and then just like that he was asleep. It took him a bit longer to wake up this time and he was quite groggy for a long time. By 11am we were already back up in our room settled once again. Logan, even though he was sleepy most of the day had a room full of visitors too! Thanks also to the fun surprise visits from Jenn Leriger and her sweet kids, "aunt" Katie Lenting, aunt Rachel, Rev. Dykstra, and Amos & Char Gritter! Yes, it was a busy day but it doesn't matter, we loved seeing all of you today. I want to apologize to those of you that I talked to yesterday, who's visits I cancelled  for the day due to the MRI. We had no idea what to expect and I didn't want to arrange for visitors and then not be here when you show up.

After all our visitors we had a few quiet hours to enjoy some dinner together and recollect our thoughts on everything. We will not find out the results of the MRI till most likely tomorrow or Friday. Once Logan was back on his feeds again he started on the new formula & increased medications. The doctors say that since he will be on feeds continuously for the next 4 days without interruptions, by Sunday night Logan should be gaining weight and hopefully spitting less if nothing at all! If this is the case then we are pretty positive they've diagnosed him. At that point we will talk about the g-tube and see how he is doing with oral feeds. Time will will just be a waiting game of patience for the next 4 days. Please pray for Logan that he will finally start to tolerate the feeds and start to gain weight. We can only hope & pray that the doctors have finally found a proper diagnosis and we can be home sooner then intended.

It's time to head back to our room for the night. Adam & I still have to clean the bathroom in our room at the RMDH and do some laundry before getting some shut-eye. Night!

Aunt Kathleen watching Logan sleep peacefully in recovery.

Staying alert for a bit for our visitors...

Mom all relieved that its done! :)

Auntie Kathleen is the BEST!!
 xo love Logan.

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