Before reading this post, I should warn you that if you are one to get queasy or grossed out too easily, you probably should stop reading right now... just thought I should be kind and warn you! :) If not please carry on and find out the latest & greatest that's been going on this weekend with us.
I didn't find much time to update the blog in the last couple days so I'll try to catch you all up. I already updated you about the fantastic news on Friday of a clear MRI. Well it gets better! At 8pm Friday night we weighed Logan and he was at the highest weight he's been yet - 10 lbs 6oz! YES!! This made me one proud mama. It is only a little bit every night, but we are finally getting somewhere. He also hasn't been spitting up in the last few days so that is another great sign that Logan is on the road to gaining some weight. After we got him all dressed again & ready for bed our little stinker decided to yank his ng tube out for the 16th time!! We're pretty sure that's a record! ;) Actually in all fairness he sneezed it out this time...5 solid sneezes in a row and out it came. Don't worry Logan, soon you won't have to deal with all those tubes on your face and in your nose.
On Saturday I had the opportunity to head home for the annual Wassenaar extended Christmas party, while Adam stayed with Logan at the hospital. My parents took the kids and I surprised them when they arrived. They sure do know how to make me feel loved with their welcome home hugs & kisses. We had a great time together, Livvy was dancing, singing and being a ham as usual, until it was time to eat. Olivia refused to eat her supper, something she had been refusing at my mom & dad's for the last couple of days too. Well it all made sense as out of no where she began to throw up all over much for new jeans & shoes! My nephew Zachary jumps up to say "Oma, did you see that? It's like a fountain!!" Oh boy.. I'll spare you the details! Thanks to my brother-in-law Ryan who seen it happen and jumped to my rescue. Thanks also for the efforts from my aunts, my parents and siblings who all did their part to help clean things up and change Olivia, as she proceeded to throw up multiple times. Speaking of which, thanks to Dad and cousin Jamie for being troopers and not giving me a hard time when Livvy happened to throw up while you were holding her! This was unfortunate for me being torn on what to do. I called Adam to discuss what to do, he agreed that he would stay at the hospital with Logan and I should sleep at my mom's for the night with our sick daughter. After all, mom & dad had their share of dealing with the flu when we were younger, so it just didn't seem right to leave Olivia with them and expect them to deal with it. It was actually kind of fun to sleep at my parents again, no matter how old you get you still feel right at home when you come back! Mom poured me a much needed glass of wine, I got comfortable in some borrowed p.j.s from my sister Em and we watched the movie October Baby. That feels like a treat from the nights I've spent at the hospital, although I'd rather be Adam at the hospital then be dealing with the flu over here!! Thankfully Olivia only had 2 more incidents back at my parents and by the time that was over she was exhausted. I rocked her to sleep in the rocking chair, kissed her forehead and whispered to her that its ok, mama is here. She looked at me and asked for her daddy. Gee, thanks kid - I gave birth to you and you'd rather have your daddy! haha. She is a big daddy's girl & when she's upset or not feeling good, she wants him even more. I told her daddy has to be with Logan but he'll come visit soon. She slept good after that and was thrilled this morning to see me when she woke up. In the meantime I crawled into the bed in Malachi's room and within 10 minutes he snuck under my covers and snuggled up next to me. A memory that I will cherish as we layed there in the dark is him whispering "I love you mummy" to me about half a dozen times. You think they miss me? He was also thrilled to see that when he woke up this morning I was not gone as I usually am lately. Olivia is much better this morning, being her happy, goofy self and it was great to spend the morning playing with them while my family went to church. We sure needed that time together! I am hoping to head back to the hospital at some point to relieve Adam as he needs to go to work tomorrow. It's really too bad that we had to deal with the flu again as 3 or 4 weeks ago Olivia already had the flu once. We're hoping this is the end of it for awhile!! We are also hoping that Adam & I don't get the flu as we will not be allowed to be at the hospital with Logan if we do get sick.
As for Adam & Logan, they apparently have had an uneventful weekend. The nurse had to take more blood yesterday for routine blood work. Unfortunately they couldn't get enough blood from his arms and after being bruised from all the i.v's and blood work he's had they couldn't poke him there anymore for a couple of days. Instead they had to take it from his head, which made me scream. Not so tough this time, but I can't say I blame him. Good thing Adam was with him and not me, I'm not so sure I could have handled it. Logan has been keeping all the formula in and got weighed again last night. He is now up to 10 lbs 9oz!! We can't wait to weigh him tonight and see how much further he's come up in weight. The doctors say starting tomorrow we'll put him back on bolus feeds (every 3 hrs) and see if he can handle it. We feel confident that Logan finally has lots of great signs pointing in the direction of growing and getting better. We'll have a better idea this week of when they will be sending us home. Ooooh I can hardly wait!! Other then that, nothing new has been happening this weekend. We just sit and wait and watch his feeds and weight gain.
Just when I thought last night that things couldn't possibly get worse, we had to deal with the flu. Even though it is not fun to have sick kiddo's, today I see it as a blessing that I was "forced" to stay with my kids for a night and spend some much needed time together. Sorry this blog post doesn't have much too it, I'm trying to type with Olivia interrupting me after every sentence. It is so much easier to post things while I'm at the hospital when it's quiet and Logan is sleeping!! I should go spend some time with the kids yet before I head out, just thought I should send you a quick update! Sorry if it made you a bit queasy or grossed least you can't say I didn't warn you before reading this post! :)
A special thanks to my dad & mom! Thank-you for taking me in last night and making it just like old times. It was fun! Thanks also for helping out with our kiddo's, not just you but mom & dad Linde as well. We are so blessed to be close with our families and have you all in our lives, willing to help us out! We know it's not always easy for you as you are out of this stage of little ones, but we appreciate that you stepped up to the plate and helped us regardless of being exhausted with them around. We couldn't being going through this without you!! Our kids feel completely at home with you and that's a comfort to us to know Malachi & Olivia are in good hands, and love their Opa's & Oma's SO MUCH! "Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God". - Philippians 1:3
So happy to read that Logan is doing great. Slow and steady that's the way to go! We're praying that the bolus feeds will work and you will be one more step closer to going home.
ReplyDeleteI'm totally with you on the blood work from the head, I remember them doing that to James and just feeling awful watching it, but they say that it is actually much less painful for the child and easier to get a vein ... so while looking at it isn't pleasant for the one having it done it's the more pleasant route.
Hoping everyone stays healthy,