Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Home Sweet Home

Sorry that I haven't had a chance to blog since we got home, things have been just a little bit busy. I have also realized that it is silly waiting for that "perfect time" to do anything that I need to do, life is just going to be busy for awhile so I'll take a moment to do things like this admist the toys scattered in every room, sounds of my children fighting, a baby crying and learn at the same time how to tone it out! :)
We were discharged around 2pm on Friday afternoon and we were so excited! Even Adam (who barely shows his emotions) was pumped! The words, "You are going home", have never sounded better! The nurse snapped our last picture together at the hospital, we packed up our things and we were out of there.
It never felt SO GOOD to get out into the "real world" again. I cranked the Christmas tunes, singing like a crazy woman, so excited to go home and spend Christmas with my little family. This was the best present we could have received this year.
We picked up the kids & got home around 5pm. We had so much "stuff" that had accumulated over the last month and a half of being gone that the van was packed with only enough room for Logan and myself. Malachi & Olivia got to go for a ride home in the truck with Adam, they were thrilled!
As we pulled into the driveway Malachi got really excited to see that the Keizer clan put lights on our house. Malachi LOVES Christmas lights so this just made his day, especially since we told him that this year we weren't doing a tree or lights. We walked into our house to find a card on the counter from "the Christmas Angels" who had made a crockpot of chili for dinner & set up a Christmas tree and our decorations for us. I wish I had my camera handy, the look on Malachi's face was priceless as he shouted,"Oooooh, MY CHRISTMAS TREE!!!"..."Look mom, look dad, LIGHTS!".

Thank-you SO much to the wonderful people who did this for us. It brought tears to my eyes to see how excited the kids were and how great it feels to be loved by all of you. It was so thoughtful!
Olivia decided to make sure she really felt at home again. She walked through each room of the house destroying things & touching things she knows that she shouldn't be touching. Out came the night light from the plug, out came the water cooler tray, my candles were scattered amongst the living room floor and then she headed for the remotes. Oh Olivia, its so good to have you home! 
Anyone have tips on teaching her how to play with TOYS? :) Malachi was admiring our christmas tree when he stopped to give Adam & I a hug and says, "Hey guys, guys, we're home!" haha. First of all we are not "guys", its mom & dad. Second of all YES we are home and loving every busy, crazy, chaotic minute of it!
Saturday morning we enjoyed just hangin' out in our double bed with 3 kiddo's, 4 blankies, 8 books, about a dozen stuffed animals and a puzzle. (same as last time we came home from the hospital). Daddy made everyone pancakes for breaky, we listened to Christmas music while decorating the tree and we started watching my all-time favorite Christmas movie Elf! It was then naptime for everyone. The rest of our weekend was busy. Adam's family had a Christmas get-together with presents for the kids on Saturday afternoon/evening, and my family's was on Sunday. Needless to say, Monday morning came too quickly and I was exhausted. Ok, we were all exhausted. At one point yesterday I locked myself in the bathroom just for some sanity. Not 30 seconds later my kids were banging on the door asking, "Mom, what are you doing in there?" Really? My response was, "I'm hiding sweetie". Then the kids started laughing at me like I'm joking! I will be honest with you all & not only post the good moments in my life because life is not always sunshine & rainbows. Real families, real moms, have bad moments too and I think its ok to admit that. Sometimes it makes us feel uplifted just to know that we are normal and all dealing with days like these. Thankfully though I can say that today seems to be a bit better!
Logan is doing great so far. He feeds every 2 hours from start to start, and needs medications at 6 different times a day. My life is controlled by a beeper that automatically goes off every 2 hours so that I won't get too busy and forget to feed Logan. Between caring for Logan, dressings the kids, feeding them, changing diapers and spending a bit of time playing/reading books, that doesn't really leave us for time to do anything else. So if you've called, emailed or texted me and I haven't gotten back to you, that's probably why. I LOVE chatting, but right now my family takes first priority so please don't take it personally if it takes me a day or 2 (or 3!) to get back to you. :)
Logan has been keeping the majority of his feeds down, and seems pretty content to be at home in his own bed. I think he needs to get used to hearing his big brother & big sister throughout the day...it is definitely not quiet in our house! We are looking forward to the dietician coming this afternoon to weigh Logan. This will give us a good idea of how things are going and if he is soaking up all the nutrients that he needs. I will update you on his weight later today when we know! For now we've set up our bed for him to be in just like at the hospital, and of coarse he's still a t.v. junkie! We keep the tv on in our room with Baby Einsteins that he can watch when he's not sleeping to keep him occupied. For now that's ok with me.
Things have indeed changed alot for us and it will take some time to get used to our new routine again. But we will get there! We are thankful for all the support and help from our family & friends. And as we've said before it is just SO great to be home again! Praying for strength, patience and energy to keep going on each day.
"Blessings today and bright hope for tomorrow, blessings all mine with 10,000 besides.... Great is Thy faithfulness!"


  1. SOOO happy for you! I remember the first days of being home after a long hospital stay, everything felt so loud and noisy. I guess you kind of get used to the quiet hospital room and you forget how busy/active other kids can be. And who can blame them for being hyper and excited to finally be home? So glad to hear you're settling into routine again.

  2. I remember when Cassidy came home from hospital and they were concerned about her weight. Dave brought in the scale we had for weighing baby goats(it was clean) and we put her in a cloth grocery bag and weighed her yourself. Every scale is different and it can be so frustrating. A fish scale works great! Glad you are home, and enjoy the chaos.
